BP 5030 Student Wellness
The Oceanside Unified School District Board of Education recognizes the link between student health and learning; and desires to provide a school environment that promotes healthy eating and physical activity for district students. An updated Board of Education approved Wellness Policy was implemented on April 19, 2011.
Nutritional guidelines for all foods and beverages available on our campuses during the school day were adopted by the Board with the objective of promoting student health and reducing student obesity. Nutritional standards for all foods and beverages sold to students, including foods and beverages provided through the district's food service program, student stores, vending machines, fundraisers, or other venues, will meet or exceed state and federal nutritional standards.
Any school employee and non-school employee (parent, family member, friend, community member, etc.) are not allowed to provide students with sodas, candy, and other foods of minimal nutritional value; whether for sale, classroom parties, or given as a reward for student's performance, accomplishments, or good behavior. School staff, parents, and parent organizations are encouraged to visit the OUSD website under Nutrition Services or contact their school cafeteria lead for healthy alternatives for classroom celebrations.
Copies of the Oceanside Unified School District's "Wellness Policy," the "Healthy Classroom Celebrations" menu, monthly menus, and nutritional information are available on the district website, www.oside.us under Nutrition Services.